Ambersoft Systems

Amber-SLS (Sage Link System)







Sage 50 Link software, for Access Developers










Very often a customised database needs to be linked to Sage 50 Accounts - for either posting or reading.

For posting of say sales invoices, one solution is export/import. A file is exported from the bespoke database and then imported into Sage. A simpler, quicker and more automated solution is to post invoices directly into Sage 50 Accounts – with just a push of a button.







Posting. SLS enables you to post sales and purchase invoices directly into Sage 50 Accounts

Sales Invoices are posted into the sales invoicing module. From there, the end-user 'Updates' the ledgers as normal, once any required further checks have been made. Purchase Invoices are posted direct into the Nominal Ledger.

Reading. SLS enables you to read all records from the following tables - Customers, Suppliers, and Nominal Accounts







The advantages of Posting over an export/import solution are:-

Ø  Line-by-Line Posting. It posts one-by-one, enabling a success flag to be stamped into the bespoke database after each single posted entry

Ø  Validation. The existence of customer, supplier and nominal code are checked.

Ø  Simplification. It greatly simplifies the process by fully automating the posting to Sage

Ø  Speed. It is quick and thorough

Ø Further time-savings. Optionally, new customers and suppliers can be automatically added to Sage 







Ø  Invoices are posted one-by-one, from the SLS DLL to Sage 50 Accounts.

Ø  You load the header and item arrays with the details from one invoice record, and then call a class function within the SLS DLL.

Ø  Optionally, you can append a new customer or supplier into Sage. In this case you need to load the customer (or supplier) array as well (mainly name and address).

Ø  The Post function returns true or false, with which you can update your database record. We typically use a field 'PostedToSageDate' for this purpose, which the end-user can blank if any re-posting is required. You can easily see which invoices were not posted, and investigate as necessary.

Ø  Validation is done on the existence of customer account, supplier account and nominal account.

Ø  The SLS installs by default to c:\amber\SLS\. It includes the SLS.dll file, and a help file for programmers, giving two simple VB examples.

Ø There four main settings required in the SLS.Ini - Sage Data Path (see Help About in Sage), Sage User ID, Sage User Password and Sage Version No (E.g. 26). It is suggested that you create a dedicated Sage User ID for the SLS, although this is not essential.







Ø  If you would like a free trial, or would like further information, please contact Graeme Hughes at